Belfast is just one of those cities that you can't help but fall in love with! Read hookupads's top hookup bars and clubs and you'll fall in love with this beautiful city even more.
Belfast has a rich history of adult social life as it's the capital of Northern Ireland. The history of this beautiful city dates back to the Bronze Age, some 5,000 years ago. Currently, it's an exciting British city with plenty of culture, history, and modernity mixed into one.
The city area alone has a population of over 300,000 so you're bound to find some action any time of the day, any day of the week in Belfast. There are close to 500,000 more people living in urban Belfast and they usually come to the city in search of hookup spots in the weekends.
We at hookupads loved Belfast so much during our visit, we thought about creating an ultimate directory for Belfast hookup spots! So make sure that you use this guide to find hookups in Belfast.
You will come across bars of all shapes and sizes in the city of Belfast. We checked out quite a lot of popular bars in town and most of them were great for meeting people. Find our top five best Belfast Bars to find people to hook up with below:
Belfast has many hookup clubs to cater to its large population of outgoing adults. These clubs offer a lot of variety allowing everyone to find a place that they are comfortable with. We tried out many clubs in Belfast and you can find our top picks below. Also, make sure that you check out our best hookup clubs.
Belfast is truly a very unique city with its lovely mix of history and modern living. There seems to be something happening all the time which makes it one of the most exciting cities in Ireland. Most of the hookup bars and clubs are located in close proximity which is always an advantage. If you ever feel like a certain venue isn't working for you on a given night, you can simply get to the next best hookup club or bar in quick time. Either way, if you're someone who's living in or visiting Belfast, we highly recommend that you try the bars and clubs mentioned in this guide. If you have plans on ever visiting Manchester in the United Kingdom, we highly recommend that you check out our guide to Manchester's hottest hookup spots.