is one of the Indian community's most popular adult forums, mostly because it goes straight to the point and features a personals section for those seeking others for hookups or dates. gets to the point from the beginning, announcing its mission of helping Indians meet and fuck for free on its homepage. Designed as a forum, this platform is essentially the Craiglist of hookup personals -simple to use, free and effective. is another of the good adult hookup forums dedicated to Indians and the Indian experience on the internet today. It's largely dedicated to general discussions on issues such entertainment, politics and celebrities, but it also features a Love and Relationship section, under which hookups can be got through published personals. is for the Indian woman what Reddit is to the average American. It's an Indian woman's platform regardless of age or ethnicity, and features discussion forums on everything from intimacy to dealing with in-laws. is found among the world's most popular collection of forums, so it's no surprise that it's a highly popular online destination. Reddit may not support the sharing of some forms of nudity, but it allows posting personals looking for hookups. is like any old adult forum on the internet - lively, open, bawdy and fun. It is a collection center for all Indians regardless of age, sex or location, and features old style discussion rooms on topics such as love, relationships, Indian life and more. is where Indians looking to enjoy some Adult desi porn find it free of charge without any judgment, and even meet fellow porn lovers that they can hookup with. Designed as a forum, this platform more commonly deals with adult content that is then discussed by members of the platform. is full of so many good-looking Indians looking for love, dates and hookups that it's hard to choose. It is a forum in nature, but designed uniquely to squarely display users' images and information before anything else. is where Indian students from all over the world converge to catch up on issues affecting them, and to chat, and if possible, meet new people and hook up. The forum is designed uniquely to double as an online education advice center for young students all the way from GCSE to University and beyond.